Contract Terms, Confidentiality and Code of Conduct

Terms and Conditions of Trading

All suppliers and potential suppliers should abide by our Terms and Conditions of Trading, which must be signed off and returned to their respective Procurement contact before order placement can commence.

In addition to the signed Terms and Conditions of Trading, all Purchase Orders will include terms applicable to these agreements. In any areas of conflict the signed the Terms and Conditions will prevail. For further information on the Purchase Order agreement please speak directly to your Procurement Contact.

The Terms and Conditions can be viewed by using the following link –

Finished Goods Durables Terms and Conditions of Trading

Finished Goods Formulated Products Terms and Conditions of Trading


Some information may considered confidential such as product specifications and formulas, in this case we will require a signed Confidential Disclosure Agreement, to maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality.

Workplace Code of Conduct

Workplace conduct is specified at a global level, please inform your Procurement contact in the case of any deviation to the document below.

Workplace Code of Conduct (PDF)