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Supplier Contact Update

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Address Book Update
Contact Book Update

Contact Update

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Updating your Companys’ Contacts:

1. Move your mouse over Master Supplier Data and select Supplier Contact Update

2. Select Supplier Address Number to View & Edit

3. Review the contact information we have setup in our system for your Supplier account.

4. You can add/edit/remove any contacts.

4.a. Edit an ​existing comment by selecting the edit button.​

Once you select Edit, a new window will pop up. Make any necessary changes and select the Submit button (or Close) to keep existing information.

Note: Only one spec contact can exist. If multiple people need to receive specifications, please include all necessary emails within the one Spec contact email field.

5. Once changes are made, they will be automatically updated into Amway’s ERP System for the Buying staff to view.

Note: Amway Buying team is not notified through this tool regarding any changes submitted.

Please notify the Buying team directly if they need to aware of any changes you are submitting.