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Transportation Europe
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Pick Up Request
Delivery Request
For shipments to Access Business Group in Venlo The Netherlands, Pruszkow Poland and Budapest Hungary.
To request shipment via Expeditors, contact your local Expeditors office.
Pick Up Request (New Pick Up Advise Europe)
Click here to view a tutorial on Pick up Request/Advise
To request a pickup via road of goods to be shipped to Access Business Group in Venlo The Netherlands, Pruszkow Poland or Budapest Hungary, either select the link in My Daily Tasks at the homepage or choose the Transportation link in the navigation bar.
To request a pickup via ocean or air, contact Expeditors.
My Daily Tasks:
This takes you to the screen in which previous submitted pick up requests can be viewed and where new pick up advises can be completed and submitted.
To submit a pickup request to our Transportation department, choose the New Pick Up Advise Europe link. By completing the following information, an electronic request will be sent to our Transportation department.
Shipping Source:
In the Shipping Source Screen, select the lookup icon to select the physical address of the ship from location. If the address does not exist, you cannot proceed. Contact the buying team to revise the order with the new ship from location. This information is critical and must be accurate as we will dispatch a truck to this location. After verifying, click Next to proceed.
Add PO’s:
Purchase orders that have been acknowledged and are “Awaiting Shipment/Delivery” and have a Ship Available Date up to 10 days from today, will be displayed as available to ship.
User can enter in the PO number and select Find. If PO does not appear, inquire/view the order via the PO’s link in the navigation bar and revise where needed.
Select the PO(s)/Line(s) that are ready to ship and input each shipping quantity (optional).
NOTE: If you need to modify the quantity of a PO line that was added, you have to remove the line by selecting the Trash icon, then add it again correctly.
Once the ADD TO REQUEST is selected, the following information will be validated to ensure the request is feasible. Either a hard or soft warning will be provided:
- The Ship From must be the same. Click on the number to view the complete address information. Hard error.
- The Ship To zip codes must be the same. This is a hard error that will prevent you from continuing. Click on the number to view the complete address information.
- The quantity shipped must be > 0. A tolerance check of 5% over/under the purchased quantity is made to ensure compliance with what was acknowledged. Revising the PO to match requested pick up quantities, should be managed prior to pick up request completion.
- The Ship Available Date cannot be past due. The date(s) will need to be revised, via a PO revision prior to continuing.
If all the information is correct, select NEXT.
Shipment Details:
Complete the shipment details (see below). Most fields are required and need user action:
Requestor Information
- A request number is generated for each entry.
- The name of the person submitting the request is required. The contact number and email will default in from the user profile but can be overwritten if needed.
Pickup Request
- Use the calendar icon to lookup the pickup/ready date for the shipment.
Ship Totals / Special Handling
- Choose if shipment needs temperature restricted transportation and / or if the shipment contains hazardous items. If yes, enter a clarification in the comment box below
- Enter the total gross weight in kilograms including pallets
- Enter the total number of pallets
- Enter the total number of mastershipppers
- Where needed, enter a short clarification on the shipment
Ship From / Ship To / PO’s currently in Shipment Request
- For validation purposes, the Ship From and Ship To locations are provided as well as a list of the purchase order(s) that are included in this request
Data integrity is critical. Please verify all information prior to hitting Submit. If necessary, you can cancel the entire request.
Note: only one pickup advice can be submitted per PO line. If changes to the pickup advice are needed after submitting the form, you have to contact the Transportation department outside of the portal (use phone or email). It is not possible to change information on the PO line after submitting the pickup advice, as this information will not be received by our transportation department and can result in rejection of the shipment.
When the request is submitted, a summary report is presented. You can Print a copy for your records or Close this window.
Shipment Request History
By selecting the Transportation link in the navigation bar, the Shipment Request History screen is displayed. All requests that have been submitted will appear in descending order. At any time, you can select ‘View Request’ to see the details and Print the shipping information.
Delivery Request
Click here to view a tutorial on Delivery Request
To submit a delivery request for goods to be shipped to Access Business Group in Venlo The Netherlands, Pruszkow Poland or Budapest Hungary either select the link in My Daily Tasks or choose the PO’s link in the navigation bar and then select Delivery Request Europe.
My daily tasks:
PO’s > Delivery Request Europe:
This takes you to the screen on which previous submitted delivery requests can be viewed and where new delivery requests can be completed and submitted.
To submit a delivery request to our Transportation department, choose the New Delivery Request link. By completing the following information, an electronic request will be sent to our Transportation department.
Ship To Location
- Select the location the goods are to be shipped to.
Requestor Information
- A request number is generated for each entry.
- The name of the person submitting the request is required. The contact number and email will default in from the user profile but can be overwritten if needed.
Delivery Notice
- Use the calendar icon to lookup the requested delivery date for the shipment.
Ship Totals / Special Handling
- Choose if the shipment contains hazardous items
- Enter the total number of pallets
- Where needed, enter a short clarification on the shipment
PO’s for Delivery Notice
- Select the PO lines that are to be included in the delivery
- Purchase orders that have been acknowledged and are “Awaiting Shipment/Delivery” and have a promised delivery date up to 10 days from today, will be displayed as available. If PO does not appear, inquire/view the order via the PO’s link in the navigation bar to revise the order where needed.
Data integrity is critical. Please verify all information prior to hitting Submit. If necessary, you can cancel the entire request.
Note: only one delivery request can be submitted for any given PO line, a second delivery request can not be rquested. If changes to the delivery request are needed after submitting the form, you have to contact the Transportation department outside of the portal (use phone or email).
It is not possible to change information on the PO line after submitting the delivery request, as this information will not be received by our transportation department and can result in rejection of the shipment.
Delivery Request History
By selecting the PO’s link in the navigation bar and then the Delivery Request Europe link, the Delivery Request History screen is displayed. All requests that have been submitted will appear in descending order. At any time, you can select the Request ID to see the details.
In the PO inquiry, you can also search for PO’s that have been submitted for Delivery, or are eligible by referring to the Delivery Request Submitted column.
YES = Delivery Request has been submitted
NO = PO line is eligible for a delivery request to be submitted.
N/A = PO line is not eligible for a delivery request to be submitted. Either, the PO has not been acknowledged or the PO line is not within the 10 day shipment.